Myra Physiocare Physiotherapy Clinic

Our Services MyraPhysiocare


Orthopedics Physiotherapy

Orthopedic Physiotherapy is a branch of physical therapy that focuses on the treatment

Neurological Physiotherapy

Neurological Physiotherapy is a type of physical therapy that focuses on the treatment

Post Surgical Physiotherapy

Post-surgical physiotherapy is a type of physical therapy that focuses

Gyneac Physiotherapy

Gynecological Physiotherapy, also known as Pelvic Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy is a type of physical therapy that focuses on the prevention

Respiratory Physiotherapy

Respiratory Physiotherapy is a type of physical therapy that focuses on the treatment

Pediatric Physiotherapy

Pediatric Physiotherapy is a type of physical therapy treatment

Geriatric Physiotherapy

Geriatric Physiotherapy is a type of physical therapy